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Deep Shot Hockey - in development!
Bean Bag Toss Hockey - in development
Our Hockey Bean Bag Toss Game plays like a real game of hockey. Win the Face-off and move up ice to score!
For Face-offs, the player who scores (including a Power Play Goal), gets a penalty (without a Power Play Goal), goes Offside, or Ices the puck goes first. The last player to toss wins any tie. This way, the game tends to favor back and forth turns, but also allows a player to 'steal' possession with a good Face-off toss.
Pass the puck up the ice, or score on a Breakaway! Players have multiple ways to get into scoring position - some harder, some easier. Pick your play and score a Goal!
Avoid Offside calls, Icing, and Penalties.
And, if you are left with only one bean bag and no chance to score, hit the Big Hit! target to reduce the number of bean bags your opponent plays with on his next turn from five to four bean bags.
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